Oily Dandruff: Scalp Care Solution

Designed specifically for individuals with oily scalps and dandruff concerns, this 3-step scalp care solution effectively eliminates excess buildup and dandruff, fostering optimal scalp health. By doing so, it creates an environment conducive to robust hair growth.

Designed specifically for individuals with oily scalps and dandruff concerns, this 3-step scalp care solution effectively eliminates excess buildup and dandruff, fostering optimal scalp health. By doing so, it creates an environment conducive to robust hair growth.

5α Juniper Scalp Purifying Liquid Shampoo

Must apply it on your dry scalp! This watery shampoo would deep clean your scalp and remove the stubborn scalp buildup.

Oily (scalp gets greasy within a day) : 1-2 times/ 7 days

  • AROMASE juniper scalp purifying liquid shmapoo 260ml scalp deep cleanser exfoliator
    Reset your scalp!
    12.99 USD60.99 USD260ml

Step2 :
Anti-Dandruff Essential Shampoo

Reduce oily dandruff & itchiness, combat Malassezia, and regulate oil production without any inflammation.

Oily (scalp gets greasy within a day) : 1 time / Every day

  • AROMASE Anti-dandruff shampoo_400ml_box for oily dandruff treatment itchy scalp dermatitis
    Knock out your oily dandruff and itchiness!​
    28.99 USD400ml

Step3 :
Herbal Cooling Scalp Care Spray

  • Regulate scalp oil production.
  • Hydrate the scalp’s moisture level.
  • Alleviate itchiness caused by an oily scalp.

Spray twice every day (day and night) on the dry scalp.

  • AROMASE Herbal-Scalp-Care-Cooling_Spray_leave-in-scalp 115ml
    Soothes the irritated scalp
    60.99 USD115ml

Better Together
3 Steps Oily Dandruff Solution

  • 3-steps-Oily-dandruff-solution-for-dermatitis-AROMASE-square_7
    110.00 USD

Which scalp type is it good for?

  • Oily dandruff
  • Oily and itchy
Unsure your scalp type?

Find Your Own Scalp Care Routine

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