AROMASE 4 Tips for After Workout Sweaty Scalp care
Have you noticed your scalp gets itchy or greasy after exercising? You’re not alone! We’ve received similar concerns from customers. To address this, here are the top 5 essential scalp care tips to ensure your scalp remains healthy, fostering the growth of beautiful hair.     Tip#1: Choose a shampoo that matches your scalp needs Since each scalp is unique and influenced by weather, health, and more, it’s vital to pick a shampoo that matches your scalp type—oily, dry, or sensitive. Choosing a shampoo designed for your specific needs is crucial. Confused about what your scalp needs? Take a scalp…
Top 4 Tips for an After-Workout Sweaty Scalp
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Does Sweat Cause Dandruff Understanding the Connection AROMASE scalp care (1)
The answer is yes and no. Sweat itself is not the direct cause of dandruff, but it can create an environment that facilitates the conditions dandruff thrives. How Sweat Affects the Scalp Moisture and Warmth: Sweat provides moisture and warmth, creating an ideal environment for Malassezia to proliferate. A sweaty scalp, especially if not washed regularly, can become a breeding ground for this fungus. ( What’s dandruff?) Sebum Production: Sweat can mix with sebum, the natural oil produced by sebaceous glands on the scalp. This combination can make the scalp greasy, which can further exacerbate the growth of Malassezia and…
Does Sweat Cause Dandruff? Understanding the Connection
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AROMASE oily dandruff and hair loss_4 connections (2)
Oily dandruff is mainly caused by an overgrowth of Malassezia due to excess oil secretion from the sebaceous glands, stimulating the scalp and leading to dandruff.  Read more on Oily Dandruff: Causes, Treatment & Prevention   4 Links Between Oily Dandruff and Hair Loss While oily dandruff doesn’t directly cause hair loss, its related conditions can lead to thinning hair. Here’s how oily dandruff might result in hair loss: Inflammation and Irritation: The inflammation can weaken hair follicles, disrupting the hair growth cycle and potentially causing hair to shed or thin. Scratching and Damage: The intense itching from oily dandruff can…
Can Oily Dandruff Cause Hair Loss? 4 Connections Explained
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Oily Dandruff Sufferer 2-Year Journey and Solution Reviews AROMASE scalp care_2
Oily Dandruff Story: Struggles with greasy hair and persistent dandruff. Two years ago, her hair became extremely oily. Frequent washing, her hair remains greasy and flaky. The flakes are small, white, and not yellow or big. Her hair is oily at the top and dry at the ends. Her Attempts to Treat Oily Dandruff: Tried medical shampoo with no success. Used natural Aloe Vera gel as shampoo, but saw no improvement. Allowed her hair to air dry. Oily Dandruff symptoms look like (Photos)   Expert Tips: Daily Shampooing with Oil-Balancing Products. Why? Greasy hair indicates an oily scalp that produces excess…
Oily Dandruff Costumer Reviews: Before & After Photos
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Psoriasis Scalp Shampoo Prescription or Herbal-Based AROMASE
Managing scalp psoriasis is a daily challenge due to constant itching, flaking, and discomfort. Finding an effective treatment can be tough. When managing this condition, one may wonder: should you choose a psoriasis scalp prescription shampoo or an herbal alternative? Understanding Scalp Psoriasis Scalp psoriasis, marked by red, itchy patches and silvery scales, can spread to the forehead, neck, and behind the ears. Management focuses on reducing inflammation and preventing flare-ups. (Learn more: Difference of Oily Dandruff and Psoriasis: Pictures, Symptoms, Must Do Daily Care )   Prescription Shampoos: The Traditional Approach Scalp psoriasis Prescription shampoos are often the first…
Psoriasis Scalp Shampoo: Prescription or Herbal-Based?
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Prevent Hair Loss! 5 Key Food Sources You Need (Vegan and Animal Options)_AROMASE scalp care (1)
Discover the key to promoting healthy hair growth and preventing thinning or hair loss. Your scalp, the powerhouse behind your crowning glory, thrives on a balanced diet rich in essential vitamins. Here’s the ultimate breakdown of the top 5 scalp-loving vitamins for luscious locks: Vitamin A: Balances Scalp Oil Secretion Vegan Sources: Sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, spinach, lettuce, zucchini, water spinach. Animal Sources: Milk, eggs, yogurt. Vitamin B7: Enhances Scalp Metabolism and Biotin Benefits: Enhances scalp metabolism and promotes hair health, especially biotin. Vegan Sources: Whole grains, almonds, dark green vegetables, chickpeas. Animal Sources: Chicken, fish, seafood.   Vitamin C:…
Prevent Hair Loss! 5 Key Food Sources You Need (Vegan and Animal Options)
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When and Why Prescription Shampoo and Herbal Formula Shampoo_AROMASE scalp care1
When dealing with scalp issues, selecting the right shampoo is crucial for scalp health. You might choose between prescription shampoos, recommended by dermatologists, and over-the-counter herbal shampoos, known for their natural ingredients. Knowing when to use each can effectively manage your scalp condition.   Prescription Shampoo: for Emergency and Acute Conditions Prescription shampoos are specifically formulated to treat particular scalp issues and are usually recommended by healthcare providers for conditions that are severe, persistent, or not responding well to daily shampoo products. Here’s when opting for a prescription shampoo is wise: Severe Dandruff and Seborrheic Dermatitis: When daily dandruff shampoos…
Prescription vs. Herbal Shampoo: Which One Is Right for Your Scalp?
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AROMASE_scalp care_The diffrence between Oily Hair and Oily Dandruff (1)
Understanding Dandruff and Oily Hair Before we address the connection between dandruff and oily hair, it’s essential to understand what each condition entails. Dandruff, a common scalp condition, results from shedding dead skin cells, often seen as white flakes. It can cause itching and irritation. Contrary to the myth that it’s only due to dryness, dandruff can also stem from fungal infections, sensitivity to hair products, or excess sebum production. ( Learn more about 2 types of dandruff ) Oily hair happens when the scalp produces too much sebum, which can make hair look greasy and heavy, often needing regular…
Oily Hair vs. Dandruff: Can Dandruff Cause Oily Hair?
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AROMASE_dry itchy scalp treatment 1
Dry and itchy scalp – it’s a frustrating duo that can disrupt your day and leave you scratching your head (figuratively and literally). By understanding the root cause (dehydration) and implementing the right strategies, you can achieve a healthy, itch-free scalp. Why Does My Scalp Feel Like a Desert? Dehydration is the main culprit behind a dry, itchy scalp. Several factors can contribute to this: Seasonal Shifts: Winter’s dry air and summer’s scorching heat can deplete your scalp’s natural moisture. Harsh Hair Products: Aggressive chemicals in shampoos can strip away scalp natural oils, leaving your scalp feeling parched. Overwashing: If you…
Dry, Itchy Scalp? Get Fast Relief with 3 Simple At-Home Treatments!
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AROMASE oily scalp and dry ends_scalp care
Ever feel like your scalp is swimming in oil while your hair clings to a desert vibe? This frustrating combo plagues many of us, leaving us washing (and rewashing) hair in a desperate search for balance. But before you grab that third bottle of shampoo, let’s dive into the “why” behind this hair paradox and find a simpler solution! Why the Confusion? It’s All About Oils Natural Oil Imbalance: Sometimes, Mother Nature throws us a curveball. Lower oil production (menopause, acne meds) can leave hair thirsty, while conditions like seborrheic dermatitis can trigger an oil overproduction party on your scalp. Harsh…
Oily Roots with Dry Ends? Crack the Combo with Separate Scalp & Hair Care
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AROMASE_hair loss scalp care_Brush Less, Lose Less Untangling the Hair Loss Myths
Although it is normal to fall around 50-100 hair strands per day, hair loss is a common concern that can cause worry for many individuals. Truth or myth: Not combing your hair truly help to reduce hair loss.  Let us debunk this prevalent myth and unravel the truth behind this practice.   The Myth of Combing Hair Causing Hair Loss: Why It Persists The logic behind it seems straightforward: less combing = less pulling = less hair loss, right? Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. Hair naturally sheds, and regular combing helps remove these loose strands before they become visible or…
Brush Less, Lose Less? Untangling the Hair Loss Myth
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Colder Months Adjust Shampoo Frequency_AROMASE (1)
As the weather cools down and the humidity drops, it’s important to adjust your scalp care routine. Colder temperatures can dry out your scalp, making it more prone to irritation, flaking, and dandruff. Overwashing can strip away your scalp’s natural oils, further exacerbating the problem.   Why You Need to Adjust Your Shampoo Frequency in Cold Weather During the winter season, it’s important to know that your scalp tends to produce less oil and needs extra moisture compared to the summer months. The cold air holds less moisture, which can result in dryness and itchiness of the scalp. Moreover, some…
Colder Months: Adjust Shampoo Frequency & Scalp Care Routine
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